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StoryDrive Asia

Frankfurt Book-Fair and Singapore Book Publishers Association trusted FromLabs Event Management solution to manage registrations and event management for the StoryDrive Asia event -

STORYDRIVE ASIA - Enabling content owners to innovate and grow their businesses

With a population of more than 620 million, the Southeast Asian region remains an under-explored market with huge potential – in the traditional publishing environment and emerging new media industries.

Publishing nowadays knows no fixed structure, no straight forward business models and not even consistent players. Be it for games, films or books, the business of publishing and work with content, has changed significantly over the last few years.

How will stories be told and sold in the future?

More and more players are entering the market, exploring new revenue streams and formats. New job profiles are emerging and new skills are needed to stay relevant in the business of content.


FromLabs is everything you need to create an awesome solution